sixty six
Don’t forget Wordworx article
on the number of the beast still stands alone as being a fairly unique
interpretation. We’ve had our article on-line for about seven years now and
made only minor adjustments. We feature all manner of feedback and comments
from readers and continue to point you in the direction of other research
some of it so ridiculous its laughable, some of it’ll send a shiver up your
spine and some of it give you pause for philosophical contemplation.
Direct to 666
Deeper into 666?
More secrets about numbers?
Bible Numerics
Beastly rumours persist
(updated article)
Wow at last competition. Here’s a self appointed
666 watchdog filing some of the potentials meanings of the mysterious number
on his site. ‘Perhaps I can slack off now and leave it to him. Naw…we’ll
keep pitching pebbles into the pond and stirring things up’ - ed. Anyway
here’s 666 Watch…obviously we’re all about to be bio-chipped * - )
Numerical unravelling
someone goes to great lengths to shows Latin,
Greek, Hebrew and other associations for the dread number.
Intense maths for 666
Apparently the number 666 is cool because it also has some unique
mathematical properties.
Chips with that?
Chip implants, concentration camps and every radical possibility imagined.
Scary stuff but also sensationalised and requiring considerable discernment
to determine what is bulldust and what stands up in the true light of Gospel
and human reasoning.
Imminent 666 system?: