The Artwork of Paula Novak

Paula's pet paintings

Paula Novak is an accomplished artist who is well known for her photo-realistic portraits. She is often commissioned to capture individuals or families or 'important people' on canvas  as a lasting legacy.

Often in these situations the family pet is included or in her fantasy works she has been asked to include a lion, dragon, eagles, unicorns or family pets.

Her latest venture Pet Rocks, which are a tasteful memorial to pets that have passed on became a natural extension of her mainstream art when she realised how cathartic such a representation could be when she created a memory on stone for her cats Rainbow and Nimbus. 

When Lynette Calvin commissioned a family portrait of her two children (above) it seemed incomplete without their loving family dog (the painting is on the right if you couldn't tell).

When Maureen Oliver commissioned a fantasy portrait of her grand daughter Hannah, she wanted to be depicted among her favourite animals, two rabbits and a bird.

Paula has long been a fan of C.S. Lewis' Narnia Chronicles and in the 1990s painted a series of large images from her imagination inspired by the books, including Aslan the Lion.

With the popularity of the movie Paula is for a limited time offering to paint your a selected number of customised works which include your children alongside Aslan (Learn more about having your children included in a scene from Narnia).

Over the years Paula has painted ducks, lots of cats and kittens, a pet rat, horses, puppies and dogs, lambs, a fantastic woodpigeon, cows and many different birds. You can see more examples of the animals Paula has painted here (click through).

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