People like trees parched in the sun
barren branches; nowhere to run;
Fruitful season just a dream
- tired of waiting for the rain.
Land of dust and hunger
raped by impossible rental demands
'till roots withered;
- tired of waiting for the rain.
Proud people before foreign cameras;
the guilt of the world displayed
- a focus for our emptiness
Distended stomachs, eyes devoid of spark;
-tired of waiting for the rain.
Ebony millions swaying
caught in a death dance -
Propped up by scraps from the banquet table;
-tired of waiting for the rain.
The least of these is worthy to be saved
from corporate agony
imposed by empire gluttony
and token offerings from the rapist.
Too long waiting for the rain.
The preacher sighs: "first the natural" he cries,
"doctrine without food is lies.
Feed that child before he dies;
Give him hope, then make him wise".
Give them trees to change this climate
Irrigate so they'll survive it
then the seasons will return
to bless this people the years have spurned.
Cut this problem down to size
Food has been given to save lives;
seize it from rats and profiteers
deliver our humble offerings
to stop the tears
of starving millions
too long waiting for the rain.
- June '85