dividing the Word/s![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Esoterrorist: e = electronic or digital media. Esoteric – hidden knowledge meant for the initiated, pertaining to a select circle, a hidden stream of truth, difficult to understand, not openly admitted. Soter – doctrine of salvation. Terrorist: One who favours the use of terror inspiring methods or shock tactics to achieve their end. My definition: To shock the mind into new modes of thinking using knowledge previously hidden by those who were meant to teach us, where possibly using electronic media. |
role of the teacher/ preacher: "Because the preacher (koheleth: lecturer to the assembly) was wise, he still taught the people knowledge (understanding / science / perception / awareness); yea, he gave good heed (listened / ponder/ broaden/ expand) and sought out, and set in order (composed / established) many proverbs (metaphors / similes / adages/ parables / to trigger mental action). The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth (stability/ certainty / trustworthiness)," - Ecclesiastes 12:9-10 The Law & Legalism "Woe unto you lawyers (experts in law / regulations / prescribed use of the law) For you have taken away the key of knowledge (gnosis) : ye entered not in yourselves and you hindered (prevented / forbade by word or act / kept out) those who did try and enter in," Luke 11:52. |
The free and unmerited love and favor of God. Undeserved blessing.
'Grace' translates the Greek charis, which means 'an
undeserved act of kindness'. Paul uses this word more often than any
other New Testament writer. He explains God has given us grace through
Christ and that there’s nothing we can do to earn it or repay it.
Grace suggests
pleasure, delight or favourable regard. It is the friendly disposition
from which the kindly act proceeds. It is lovingkindness and goodwill.
It is God’s redemptive mercy in contrast with the debt we owe to the
law or what we might obtain through our own works (Rom. 4:4, 16, 11:6,
John 1:17, Rom. 6:14, 15; Gal. 5:4). The corresponding verb charitoo,
"to endue with divine favor or grace," is used in Luke 1:28,
"highly favored" (marg, "endued with grace") and
Eph. 1:6– Culled from Vine's Complete Expository dictionary of
Old and New Testament Words Graciousness: The divine influence upon the heart and its reflection in the life including gratitude, acceptable, favour, gift. |
Synchronicity Synchronous = occurring at the same time, eg the synchronous flapping of a birds wings (Gr khronos = time). from the Greek sunkhronos, referring to one or more incidents or historical occurrences that occurred in parallel or together. Synchronicity: A term coined by Carl Jung to describe meaningful coincidences in life. In The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche, Jung describes how, during his research into the phenomenon of the collective unconscious, he began to observe coincidences that were connected in such a meaningful way that their occurrence seemed to defy the calculations of probability. Perhaps events happen to us because we are thinking about them (eg the phone ruins just as you are thinking about a particular person, you have a tune in your head and turn the radio and and its playing, you say something at the same time as a friend, you bump into someone in the street when only the day before you were wondering where they were because you hadn't seen them for so long etc etc). These events may be drawn into our lives by some divine force, we may be over conscious of them and therefore give them more credibility or they may be keys to divine guidance. Is it true that when the student is ready the teacher will come, or the answer will arise through various synchronous lessons that lead us to believe we are experiencing the miraculous? Life is indeed far more miraculous than we imagine. Does creative imagining help make it so? - Keith |
Repent / Repentance: From the Greek Metanoia, a fundamental childlike transformation of mind / change of mind / amend or turnaround. Remorse or contrition for one's past actions. |
Forgiveness: To pardon or spare. To go on, carry away, arise, lift, take away utterly. It also implies that you are helping someone if you forgive them. Through this you receive something. It is an honourable thing to forgive and a sign of respect. |
From the Greek Sophia. Wise in mind, word or act. to be expert in
instruction, to help understanding. To guide, to be right, to correct
and chasten. to reason and rebuke. To be a skilful helper who shows
discretion and good sense. The root of the word wisdom is the same as
heart. Wisdom comes from the heart. ![]() ![]() |
Out The Garage, 2001
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