Icons of greed are being moved with speed
to stifle the power of the holy creed;
Words of wisdom become cute expressions.
remolded in ads for commercial deception.
The story has changed or so we are told
dollars dictate as new versions unfold:
It's the Gospel according to New Lynn Motors
the power and glory of the Ellerslie Races
the ring of confidence on toothpaste faces.
"Come all you faithful
to the Atrium on Elliot":
Instead of celebrating the truth we're selling it.
BP has the spirit to get you going.
Sellotape keeps you together
when torn edges are showing.
Now "many are called but few are chosen"
to be a Bluebird chip;
it's Lotto that brings us happy days
and Nissan gives your soul a lift.
The theft of meaning if you get my drift.
aside the obstacles to the future of your dreams
made possible by Aetna Health Insurance it seems.
Salespeople are evangelists for their brand of product,
"keeping the faith" has become cool rhetoric.
Mastercard puts the "whole world" in your hands.
Coke is the "real thing" and "the feeling",
Reeboks and Nikes
make you more appealing.
You don't rate in society without designer brands
You need the bank manager as one of your fans.
You can't be in with the in crowd
Unless you're rich or thin;
Its Tampax that gives you that freedom within.
The meaning of life, has now become clear:
You are born, you get thirsty, you have a beer.
Benson & Hedges: Where dreams turn to gold;
- that's another crock we've been sold.
We save for a holiday in paradise
Expensive perfumes are heaven scent.
You would think life was one long commercial break
ahead of the main event.
This poem is to be continued
but I'm not sure to what extent. (88-2001)